FVAI/Francisco Valiente
Albalat dels Tarongers, Valencia
EVREN/Generalitat Valenciana

Bridges, walkways and civil works
Walkway in Albalat
Arched cycle-pedestrian walkway over the CV-326. 30 meter long walkway formed by a mixed steel-wood arch.

THE PROJECT. The walkway is located in the town of Albalat dels Tarongers in Valencia (Spain) in a privileged location. On the one hand, it is located in a natural setting of great environmental value such as the greenway that connects the town of Ojos Negros with Sagunto. On the other hand, it crosses the road that constitutes the main access to Albalat. For these reasons, it was important to keep in mind that the walkway had to have a high aesthetic quality and be linked to both environments, the natural and the urban.

THE TYPOLOGY. The type used is that of a mixed steel-wood bowstring bow. The variable steel section in the arch allows the material to be placed only in the necessary areas, using the wooden profiles to improve the buckling performance of the structure and increase its resistant properties. The steel section partially protects the structural wood profiles, improving their durability. In this way, both materials collaborate to optimize the structural functioning of the complex, while allowing for high aesthetic quality finishes and collaborating with integration into the landscape.